IBM 000-001 certification

Test information:
Number of questions: 43 Time allowed in minutes: 60 Required passing score: 65% Test languages: English
Sample / Assessment test:

HP Certification I HP0-766 Exam

HP0-766 real Test Information
Number of test items: 76
Item type: multiple choice
Time commitment: 105 minutes
Passing Score: 63%
HP0-766 Exam Content
The following outline represents the specific areas of content covered in the exam. Use this outline to guide your study and to check your readiness for the exam. The exam measures your understanding of these areas. The approximate percentage of exam questions dedicated to each major content area is included in parenthesis. Typically, the higher the percentage, the more questions will be on the exam.
NonStop Security
Security best practices for NonStop servers 13%
NonStop server security concepts 20%
Auditing configuration and monitoring for NonStop servers 12%
NonStop access control principles 12%
NonStop authorization principles 21%
NonStop authentication principles 14%
Confidentiality and integrity concepts 8%

Cisco Certification 642-062 test

Certification Provider: Cisco
Exam Name: 642-062 - Routing and Switching Solutions for System Engineers (RSSSE)
Associated Certifications: Cisco

Visit the Cisco Website for more details on the Examination

Convert PowerPoint to Flash with screen recorder

1. Save your PPT file as PPS file.
2. Set Camtasia studio to record the whole screen.
3. Play your PowerPoint PPS file and Press F9 to start recording the screen.
4. When you reach your last blank slide, Press F10 to tell Camtasia Recorder to stop recording. You will be prompted to save the captured slideshow, so choose a directory and enter a filename.
5. Save your capture in SWF format.

Convert PowerPoint to Flash manually with Adobe Flash

1. Saving PowerPoint slide into WMF.
Office button -> Save As -> Other Formats, choose Windows Metafile (*.WMF) at Save as type drop-down list, and click Save. Then click Every Slide button in the pop-up dialog.
2. Importing the WMF files into Flash.
3. Exporting the FLA file to a SWF file.

Convert PowerPoint To Flash

1. Launch Impress.
2. File -> Open, open the PowerPoint presentation that you wish to convert to flash.
3. Click File -> Export.
4. Choose Macromedia Flash (SWF) (.swf) in the Filter box. Click OK.

What is the difference between an Interface and an Abstract class?

An Abstract Class can contain default Implementation, where as an Interface should not contain any implementation at all. An Interface should contain only definitions but no implementation. where as an abstract class can contain abstract and non-abstract methods. When a class inherits from an abstract, the derived class must implement all the abstract methods declared in the base class. an abstract class can inherit from another non-abstract class.

Comparision Table

Abstract classes
Abstract classes are used only when there is a “is-a” type of relationship between the classes.
Interfaces can be implemented by classes that are not related to one another.
You cannot extend more than one abstract class.
You can implement more than one interface.
Abstract class can implemented some methods also.
Interfaces can not implement methods.
With abstract classes, you are grabbing away each class’s individuality.
With Interfaces, you are merely extending each class’s functionality.

Objects and Classes in Java

To understand objects, you must understand classes. To understand classes, you need to understand objects. It's a circular process of learning. But you've got to begin somewhere. So, let's begin with two classes-- Point and Rectangle-- that are small and easy to understand. This section provides a brief discussion of these classes and introduces some important concepts and terminology.
The Life Cycle of an Object
Here, you will learn how to create a Rectangle object from the Rectangle class, use it, and eventually get rid of it.
Creating Classes
This section provides a complete description of a larger class, Stack, and describes all of the components of a class that provide for the life cycle of an object created from it. It talks first about constructors, then about member variables and methods, and finally about the finalize method.
Reality Break! The Spot Applet
This is the last section of this lesson, and it contains the code for a fun little applet. Through that applet, you will learn how to subclass another class, how to implement an interface, and how to use an inner class to implement an adapter.

Core packages in Java SE 6

java.lang — basic language functionality and fundamental types
java.util — collection data structure classes — file operations
java.math — multiprecision arithmetics
java.nio — the New I/O framework for Java — networking operations, sockets, DNS lookups, ... — key generation, encryption and decryption
java.sql — Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) to access databases
java.awt — basic hierarchy of packages for native GUI components
javax.swing — hierarchy of packages for platform-independent rich GUI components
java.applet — classes for creating and implementing applets

Java Packages,Java Package's Interview Questions ,core java IT technical interview questions

Java interfaces and classes are grouped into packages. The following are the java packages, from which you can access interfaces and classes, and then fields, constructors, and methods.

Package that contains essential Java classes, including numerics, strings, objects, compiler, runtime, security, and threads. This is the only package that is automatically imported into every Java program.
Package that provides classes to manage input and output streams to read data from and write data to files, strings, and other sources.
Package that contains miscellaneous utility classes, including generic data structures, bit sets, time, date, string manipulation, random number generation, system properties, notification, and enumeration of data structures.
Package that provides classes for network support, including URLs, TCP sockets, UDP sockets, IP addresses, and a binary-to-text converter.
Package that provides an integrated set of classes to manage user interface components such as windows, dialog boxes, buttons, checkboxes, lists, menus, scrollbars, and text fields. (AWT = Abstract Window Toolkit)
Package that provides classes for managing image data, including color models, cropping, color filtering, setting pixel values, and grabbing snapshots.
Package that connects AWT components to their platform-specific implementations (such as Motif widgets or Microsoft Windows controls).
Package that enables the creation of applets through the Applet class. It also provides several interfaces that connect an applet to its document and to resources for playing audio.

What are Wrapper Classes in Java? Describe the wrapper classes in Java

Wrapper classes are classes that allow primitive types to be accessed as objects. Wrapper class is wrapper around a primitive data type.

Following table lists the primitive types and the corresponding wrapper classes:

  Boolean   java.lang.Boolean
  Byte   java.lang.Byte
  Char   java.lang.Character
  double   java.lang.Double
  Float   java.lang.Float
  Int   java.lang.Integer
  Long   java.lang.Long
  Short   java.lang.Short
  Void   java.lang.Void

compiling and getting of a java program,Java Programs,Java Compilation

 have written some java programs in java but iam unable to compile and get the output of please help me

 To compile your java code you need to use java compiler javac.exe

This will generate source.class file in same path of the file . ( .class is a byte format file ) .

To run your code :
java example1

Best Example of Java Interface,Java Interface Tutorial,Core Java

To those who are having a hard time understanding the concept of an interface, I'll try my best to explain, but remember that I too am still a learner of Java (though I'm reasonably familiar with several other object-oriented languages). Let's say you're defining several different animals as their own classes. There are certain things that you are going to expect all of these classes to do: you are going to expect them to have a method of eating, of pooping, of drinking, of walking, and so on. These are all methods that you would define in the class definitions of each animal. 

You would therefore create an interface, called Animal: 

interface Animal { 
void eat(String food); 
void makeBowelMovement(int number); 
void drink(String liquid); 
void walk(int distance); } 
Notice that none of these methods are defined here. We are just defining the interface to an animal (the programming interface to an object of a class that implements the Animal interface). Now let's write an example class that implements this interface; say, Dog: 
class Dog implements Animal { 
void eat(String food) { System.out.println("I am now eating " + food); } 
void makeBowelMovement(int number) { 
if (number == 1) { System.out.println("I am now seeing."); } 
else if (number == 2) { System.out.println("I am now tired."); } 

void drink(String liquid) { System.out.println("I am now drinking " + liquid); } 
void walk(int distance) { System.out.println("I walked " + distance + " spots."); } 

Does it make more sense now? The explanation given in the tutorial is a little off, in my opinion; an interface in Java is not really about presenting a way of interacting with an object -- that's the job of the methods of the class itself. The point of a class implementing an interface is to make it known to yourself and other programmers that this class is going to act in a predictable way. All other classes that "implement Animal", in the example above, would have to offer the same methods. That way, you don't have to know how exactly each animal goes about, say, pooping. You only need to know that the Animal interface requires an implementing class to offer a void makeBowelMovement(int number) method.

Difference between Vector and ArrayList? What is the Vector class?

Vector is synchronized whereas ArrayList is not. The Vector class provides the capability to implement a growable array of objects. ArrayList and Vector class both implement the List interface. Both classes are implemented using dynamically resizable arrays, providing fast random access and fast traversal. In vector the data is retrieved using the elementAt() method while in ArrayList, it is done using the get() method. ArrayList has no default size while vector has a default size of 10. when you want programs to run in multithreading environment then use concept of vector because it is synchronized. But ArrayList is not synchronized so, avoid use of it in a multithreading environment.

Java Interface where to Use,Core Java Tutorials

You use an interface to define a protocol of behavior that can be implemented by any class anywhere in the class hierarchy. Interfaces are useful for the following:
Capturing similarities between unrelated classes without artificially forcing a class relationship
Declaring methods that one or more classes are expected to implement
Revealing an object's programming interface without revealing its class. (Objects such as these are called anonymous objects and can be useful when shipping a package of classes to other developers.)

Does Interfaces Provide for Multiple Inheritance?

Often interfaces are touted as an alternative to multiple class inheritance. While interfaces may solve similar problems, interface and multiple class inheritance are quite different animals, in particular:
A class inherits only constants from an interface.
A class cannot inherit method implementations from an interface.
The interface hierarchy is independent of the class hierarchy. Classes that implement the same interface may or may not be related through the class hierarchy. This is not true for multiple inheritance.
Yet, Java does allow multiple interface inheritance. That is, an interface can have multiple superinterfaces.

Best Java Interface Example ,Core Java Tutorial,Java Interview Questions

Java interface example :
In this class i implement Java shape interface in the circle class .as you will see in the following example ,up-casting for the object "circleshape" .

Note :
Interface classes , functions are public and abstract ,and fields are public and final

public class Main {    
    public static void main(String[] args) {
          shape circleshape=new circle();

interface shape
     public   String baseclass="shape";
     public void Draw();    
class circle implements shape
    public void Draw() {
        System.out.println("Drawing Circle here");

Java Interface Examples,Java Interface Definition

What Is an Interface?
In English, an interface is a device or system that unrelated entities use to interact. According to this definition, a remote control is an interface between you and a television set, the English language is an interface between two people, and the protocol of behavior enforced in the military is the interface between people of different ranks. Similarly, a Java interface is a device that unrelated objects use to interact with one another. Java interfaces are probably most analogous to protocols (an agreed-upon behavior). In fact, other object-oriented languages have the functionality of Java's interfaces, but they call their interfaces protocols.
A Java interface defines a set of methods but does not implement them. A class that implements the interface agrees to implement all of the methods defined in the interface, thereby agreeing to certain behavior.
Definition: An interface is a named collection of method definitions (without implementations). An interface can also include constant declarations


This Page contains VSAM Tutorials, VSAM Tips , VSAM Manuals

VSAM is a file system used in IBM's MVS, OS/390 and ZOS operating systems.
It offers standard sequential files, key Sequential and indexed files. In VSAM ,
Files can be read sequentially as well as randomly.

IBM Mainframe Tutorials - JCL DB2 COBOL CICS

Here you can find
  • Links to JCL Tutorials, DB2 tutorials, SQL tutorials, COBOL tutorials, VSAM tutorials, XPEDITER tutorials, FILE-AID tutorials.
  • Links to DB2 Inteview Questions, COBOL Interview questions, JCL interview questions, CICS interview questions, VSAM interview questions.
  • You can also find links to IBMMAINFRAME Forums, COBOL forums, DB2 forums, CICS forums, VSAM forums, REXX forums, JCL forums, DFSORT forums, ICETOOL forums, EASYTRIEVE forums, IMS DB forums, IMS DC forums, XML forums, Mainframe Jobs forums, Interview questions forums.


Give example of Inspect TALLYING / BEFORE INTIAL / AFTER INITIAL. In which situation will use this in COBOL?We have different type of Inspect verb
1.counting INSPECT.
2.replacing INSPECT.
3.combined INSPECT.
4.converting INSPECT.
Give example of any Inspect verb which you know. 

Where word = LARGE, count = 1 and count-1 = 0.
Where word = ANALYST, count = 0 and count-1 = 1.
7830 7709–000 2–103
Where word = CALLAR, count = 2 and word = CALLER.
Where word = SALAMI, count = 1 and word = SALEMI.
Where word = LATTER, count = 1 and word = LETTER.
Where word = ARXAX, word = GRXAX.
Where word = HANDAX, word = HGNDGX.
BY “B”.
Where word = ADJECTIVE, count = 6 and word = BDJECTIVE.
Where word = JACK, count = 3 and word = JBCK.
Where word = JUJMAB, count = 5 and word = JUJMBB.
Where word = RXXBQWY, word = RYYZQQY.
Where word = YZACDWBR, word = YZACDWZR.
Where word = RAWRXEB, word = RAQRYEZ.
word before: 1 2 X Z A B C D
word after: B B B B B A B C D

How COBOL FLAT files(Index,Sequential) are very secure for huge data?If not, How will you migrate with any Database with Frond end COBOL?

How COBOL FLAT files(Index,Sequential) are very secure for huge data?If not, How will you migrate with any Database with Frond end COBOL?

Well if you are using flat file you have advantage as well as disadvantages.
Advantage -It is Secure Physically edited.
Disadvantage - Logically speaking performance is slow difficult to find the particular record.

Give simple program example for Dynamic link and Dynamic call in COBOL?

Static Call In Cobol:

Is calling of a literal.


The call statement specifies the sub-routine called as a literal. i.e, within quotes 'ABC'.
In static calls, if ABC is modified and recompiled, then all the executables calling ABC should be relinked.

Dynamic Calls:

01 Sub-Routine pic x(8) value 'ABC'


Dynamic calling invovles calling a sub-routine using a variable and the variable contains the sub-routine name.
here the complied code is loaded when needed and is not incorporated into the executable.

What is the meaning of the EXEC statement keyword, COND? What is its syntax?

COND specifies the conditions for executing the subsequent job step. The value after the COND= is compared to the return codes of the preceding steps and if the comparison is true, the step is bypassed. 

In exec statement the condition is used for by-passing the perticular step through the condition
if COND 0 Its a successfull execution
if COND 4 Its a warning
if COND 8 Its a serious error
if COND 16 Its a fatal error.
So that we can use this condition key word.

JCL -MCQ Comparison Operators

MCQ Comparison Operators
 In what order does the system evaluate comparison operators?

The operators and their precedence order from highest to lowest are:
  • Navigation operator ( . )
  • Arithmetic operators in precedence order:
    • + - unary
    • * / multiply divide
    • + - add subtract
  • Comparison operators: > < > < <>(not equal)
  • Logical operator NOT
  • Logical operator AND
  • Logical operator OR

What are the four divisions in COBOL

In Cobol there are 4 divisions.

1. Identification division or ID divisionIn this no setions are there. It has 5 paragraphs.
a. Progaram-id. programname
b. Author
c. Writen-date
d. Compiled-date
e. Installer

2. Environment Division
Under this there are two sub-sections
a. Configuration-section.
Source compter.
Object computer.
b. Input-Output section.
File control.
IO control.

3. Data DivisionFile-section.
Working-storage section.
Linkage section.
Report section.
Screen section.

4. Procedure Division

Coding RECFM=F over RECFM=FB

Give example of Inspect TALLYING / BEFORE INTIAL / AFTER INITIAL. In which situation will use this in COBOL?

01 my_string pic x(30) value 'mainframeinterviews'.we can have operations on the string like inspect my_string tallying tally_ct for all e before intial s and after intial i.inspect my_string replacing all e by r before intal s and after intial

Explain the difference between an internal and an external sort, the pros and cons, internal sort syntax

Explain the difference between an internal and an external sort, the pros and cons, internal sort syntax etc? 
An external sort is not COBOL; it is performed through JCL and PGM=SORT. It is understandable without any code reference. An internal sort can use two different syntaxes: 1.) USING, GIVING sorts are comparable to external sorts with no extra file processing; 2) INPUT PROCEDURE, OUTPUT PROCEDURE sorts allow for data manipulation before and/or after the sort. 

1. Internal sort is used in COBOL application prog while external sort is used in JCL.

2. Internal sort uses workfiles while external sort uses the DFSORT mechanism.

3. External sort is more complicated than internal sort.

4. Internal sort is more flexible as we can alter or update data before  and after performing internal sort whereas the same doesn't hold true for external sort.

IBM Mainframes : COBOL Interview Questions and Answers

File Concept 
The Disposition Parameter in the JCL is Share ( DISP=SHR ) and Cobol program opens file in " Extend " mode. In this scenarion what will happen to that file?

If we open file in xtend mode then old data will not lose we append the new data without losing old data.

IBM Mainframes: COBOL Interview Questions,

Give example of Inspect TALLYING / BEFORE INTIAL / AFTER INITIAL. In which situation will use this in COBOL?
01 my_string pic x(30) value 'mainframeinterviews'.
we can have operations on the string like
inspect my_string tallying tally_ct for all e before intial s and after intial i.
inspect my_string replacing all e by r before intal s and after intial i.

IBM Mainframes Interiew Questions and Answers-COBOL Interview Questions

Question:what will happen if i give program name and member name as 
different? program runs successful or w'll abend?
The program will be compiled successfully and the load willbe created with the member name only. 
So, no issues withprogram name and member name being different.


here (a) is for compilation.and (b) is for
execution.i.e.loadmodule of our program. after compilation
of our program.the compiler will generate an object code to
our program. this only going to be executed..what ever u
give at 
LOADLIB(DATE)..this name (for my program loadmodule name is
date) should be specified at 
//step  exec pgm=loadmodulename.(here date)

IVM top 10 principles of testing

1.Ensure 100% test coverage

The tests planned should cover 100% of the software and hardware functionality that has been defined. No – actually it should cover 100% of what has been provided not just what has been planned. Something provided but not planned will end up being used in some way, and when this is not adequately tested, has often been the cause of failure in past high-reliability projects.

2.Consider coverage density

Quite obviously, spend more time/effort testing important and/or common items. For example single points of failure in hardware and software, or underlying system code. The temptation is to spend more time testing the easiest items to test.

3.Choose an appropriate set of test methods

There are, obviously, different types of test. The various forms of software test that I can think of are listed here. Different parts of a system with different characteristics and different levels of importance will attract different testing methodologies. This is a pragmatic and common-sense approach... just make sure that a note is kept of which method is used for which module, and why that method was chosen.
4.Designers have obligations and should be trusted

I constantly battle people who try to lead to 'documentation blowout'. This is the term I use when the documentation becomes so extensive, and has to cover so many small things that it ends up forming a large proportion of the available work effort.
The solution is two-fold. Firstly to be pragmatic in what is documented (get the most return for the investment) and secondly to trust the designer. Yes, the designer will make mistakes, and some of these may even slip through, but if you don't trust the designer, how can you agree with the design? Conversely, this places a large and weighty responsibility on the designer to not cut corners and to do the job right.
5.Plan the tests in advance, update the test plan later

The test plan should be written before the module under consideration is begun. Not the prototype stuff, but the actual end product design. The test plan tests against the functional requirements predominantly.
But, once the design is complete, the test plan should be revisited to add to and refine the tests in light of what you know about the design. I would be worried if that caused the test plan to be reduced in scope ... but it may be a good time to add tests that exercise a certain part of the design that the designer may feel is prone to being flaky.
6.Finding errors is a good thing
All humans make mistakes. The designer who finds faults with his system during the test phase has done a good job and should be praised. Imagine the consequence of that error NOT being found? Let me repeat this again: all designs have errors. It is good to find them.
7.Version control is your friend
Of course we know this is a good thing! But VC should be applied not only to software, but to the documents used to plan and design that software, to the test plan itself, the test vectors, the applied test, and to the test report and numerical test results. All of these version numbers should be recorded in the test result document.
If the version number of any of these parts changes from what was tested, the test MUST be repeated. Even seemingly simple changes can have unforeseen consequences. With embedded software, this is even more true.
8. Archive the test results

Any numerical results, or test vectors, even obvious ones, should be stored. It may only be necessary to do this for the latest version of test, but if in doubt, keep all.
You can refer to this data later. You may well need it and it could be the only proof you have that the design that you made actually works (and that it really is someone else's fault).

9.Do not be tempted to integrate before testing

This may be good fun in a prototype system, but is the kiss of death to a real production system. Think of it this way – your module contains a virus (an error/mistake). Any other module it touches can become infected with this. The module should remain in isolation until it has been cleared as virus free through testing.

With software this is obvious – copying and merging code is rarely as simple as copying a single function over. There may be globals, function prototypes, header files, constants and so on that need to change. The calling context may need to be changed. It is difficult to remember these changes and reverse them later if the copied code is removed or changed. Over time especially if this is done more than once, errors will creep in.
In hardware, overshoot or undershoot may cause device lifetime problems. In firmware, anyone who has programmed in VHDL knows the clutter that exists in the “Work” directory. Legacy functions can persist in there long after the source code has been removed from a design!
Unless the interface is very, very well defined and protected (for both software and hardware) it really is better to either avoid this temptation, or (in software), do it and then throw the code away afterwards... keep a very well defined roll-back point.

10.Testing is unglamorous

Yes, but so is being the one person who lets the team down.
You can not even guarantee good code by working hard alone, or even by being a 'good' programmer. Good programmers test their code properly, bad ones do not.

5 Principles of SOA

In many customer engagements, I need to establish a basic set of principles of SOA. The following sections introduce fundamental principles that a Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) should expose.These are not introduced as an absolute truth, but rather as a frame of reference for SOA-related discussions. You’ll note that the first four are based on Don Box’s four tenets, although over time they may have acquired a slight personal spin.

1. Explicit Boundaries

Everything needed by the service to provide its functionality should be passed to it when it is invoked. All access to the service should be via its publicly exposed interface; no hidden assumptions must be necessary to invoke the service. “Services are inextricably tied to messaging in that the only way into and out of a service are through messages”. A service invocation should – as a general pattern – not rely on a shared context; instead service invocations should be modeled as stateless. An interface exposed by a service is governed by a contract that describes its functional and non-functional capabilities and characteristics. The invocation of a service is an action that has a business effect, is possibly expensive in terms of resource consumption, and introduces a category of errors different than those of a local method invocation or remote procedure call. A service invocation is not a remote procedure call.

2. Shared Contract and Schema, not Class

3. Policy-driven

To interact with a service, two orthogonal requirement sets have to be met:
  1. the functionality, syntax and semantics of the provider must fit the consumer’s requirements,
  2. the technical capabilities and needs must match.

4. Autonomous

Related to the explicit boundaries principle, a service is autonomous in that its only relation to the outside world – at least from the SOA perspective – is through its interface. In particular, it must be possible to change a service’s runtime environment, e.g. from a lightweight prototype implementation to a full-blown, application server-based collection of collaborating components, without any effect on its consumers. Services can be changed and deployed, versioned and managed independently of each other. A service provider can not rely on the ability of its consumers to quickly adapt to a new version of the service; some of them might not even be able, or willing, to adapt to a new version of a service interface at all (especially if they are outside the service provider’s sphere of control).

5. Wire formats, not Programming Language APIs

Services are exposed using a specific wire format that needs to be supported. This principle is strongly related to the first two principles, but introduces a new perspective: To ensure the utmost accessibility (and therefore, long-term usability), a service must be accessible from any platform that supports the exchange of messages adhering to the service interface as long as the interaction conforms to the policy defined for the service. For example, it is a useful test for conformance to this principle to consider whether it is possible to consume or provide a specific service from a mainstream dynamic programming language such as Perl, Python or Ruby. Even though none of these may currently play any role in the current technology landscape, this consideration can serve as a litmus test to assess whether the following criteria are met:
  • All message formats are described using an open standard, or a human readable description
  • It is possible to create messages adhering to those schemas with reasonable effort without requiring a specific programmer’s library
  • The semantics and syntax for additional information necessary for successful communication, such as headers for purposes such as security or reliability, follow a public specification or standard
  • At least one of the transport (or transfer) protocols used to interact with the service is a (or is accessible via a) standard network protocol

10 Ways to Become the Coolest Developer in the World

Since there are dozens of posts on becoming a better developer, but no single post with all the advice you need, perhaps, you'll find this short guide useful.
Learn the Skills You Need

1. Learn the programming basics

"The goal of this guide is to be the easiest and funnest way for a beginner to get started programming."

Read more: Learn To Program - Beginner's Guide
2. Get a complete understanding of programming

"To be a good programmer is difficult and noble. The hardest part of making real a collective vision of a software project is dealing with one's coworkers and customers. Writing computer programs is important and takes great intelligence and skill.

But it is really child's play compared to everything else that a good programmer must do to make a software system that succeeds for both the customer and myriad colleagues for whom she is partially responsible."
Read more: How to be a Programmer: A Short, Comprehensive, and Personal Summary
3. Remember these 9 principles to become a good developer:
1. Attitude
2. Read the books
3. Code! Code! Code!
4. Try out tools and utilities that make your work easier
5. Try out new technologies
6. Look how other guys develop systems
7. Everything that shines is not gold
8. Participate in communities
9. Visit technology events

Read more: How to become a good developer? - Gunnar Peipman's ASP.NET blog
4. Know what makes a great programmer:
1. Being a great problem solver.
2. Being driven and lazy at the same time.
3. Ability to understand other people's code
4. Having a passion for programming
5. Loving learning for the sake of learning
6. Being good at math
7. Having good communications skills
8. Strong debating skills
9. Extreme optimism
10. Extreme pessimism

Read more: The Top 10 Attributes of a Great Programmer
5. Learn what really matters in programming
* Work with other OSes
* Research classes and internships more
* Consider taking the SCJA or SCJP exams
* Connect with more people
* People in the workplace seemed more easygoing than I would have thought and socialization (face-time) is an important part of working
* Company/workgroup attitude is the most important factor in how much I succeeded in my work.
* The best job is not usually the best-paying job
* Consider blogging and/or mentoring

Read much more here: What I wanted to know before I left college: A programmer reflects

Use the advice from Paul Graham:
* To start with, read Appjet's guide to learning to program
* start thinking about specific programs you want to write
* don't start with a problem that's too big
* Initially your programs will be ugly
* you'll find it useful to look at programs other people have written. But you'll learn more from this once you've tried programming yourself.
* find friends who like to write programs

Also learn answers to these questions:
* Why do you advise plunging right into a programming project instead of carefully planning it first?
* Why do you keep going on about Lisp?
* Isn't object-oriented programming naturally suited to some problems?

Read more: Programming FAQ
7. Remember the 11 object-oriented programming principles:
1. Open closed principle
2. Liskov substitution principle
3. Common reuse principle>
4. Interface segregation principle
5. Stable dependancy principle
6. Acyclic dependencies principle
7. Common closure principle
8. Stable abstraction principle
9. Release-reuse equivalency principle
10. Dependency inversion principle
11. Single responsibility principle

Learn more: 10 Object Oriented Design Principles | Livrona
8. Learn programming by not programming

"The older I get, the more I believe that the only way to become a better programmer is by not programming. You have to come up for air, put down the compiler for a moment, and take stock of what you're really doing. Code is important, but it's a small part of the overall process."

"To truly become a better programmer, you have to to cultivate passion for everything else that goes on around the programming."

"The nature of these jobs is not just closing your door and doing coding, and it's easy to get that fact out. The greatest missing skill is somebody who's both good at understanding the engineering and who has good relationships with the hard-core engineers, and bridges that to working with the customers and the marketing and things like that."

Bill Gates, remarks, 2005

Read more: How To Become a Better Programmer by Not Programming
9. Learn C/C++ no matter what your main language is

"If you want to be a top-notch programmer, you can no more afford to ignore the C and C++ languages than a civil engineer can afford to ignore the difference between a plumb line and a snap line, a right angle and an oblique one."

Read more: Learning To Drive a Stick Shift - Coding the Wheel
10. Try Python to learn to code at a higher level

"Learning Python taught me the value of programming at a higher level. Things like using boost::signals to break up dependencies; boost::bind and boost::function to use functions as first-class objects; boost::foreach to separate iteration from the algorithm; boost::any for generic data types; and much more."

5 Things You Can Remote Control With Your iPhone

One of the more interesting things you can do with the iPhone is use it as a remote control for other devices. Since the iPhone App Store launched almost two years ago, developers have created hundreds of remote control applications.
Some of them are for entertainment — designed to control A/V equipment in your living room. Others control household appliances, functions on your computer, or even expensive corporate security systems.
For now, most remote control apps operate over the Internet, or via a wi-fi or Bluetooth link between your iPhone and another device. But one company is developing an infrared iPhone accessory, which will open the doors for even more remote control applications.


Zipcar rental car

Home lights and automation system

TV, other gadgets


Amarok 2.3.0 "Clear Light" released

Team Amarok is proud to announce Amarok 2.3.0. It contains many improvements and bugfixes over Amarok 2.2.2 as well as many new features. Areas such as podcast support and saved playlists have seen huge improvements, as has the support for USB mass storage devices (including generic MP3 players).

With large parts of Amarok 2 becoming quite mature, it was also time to start looking forward again. Therefore, this release also contains a number of new features of a slightly more experimental nature. These include a new main toolbar and a rewritten and much simpler file browser. These parts are brand new and based on user feedback, and they will change and improve over the next few releases. The old slim toolbar is still available should you prefer that, but we encourage you to try out the new toolbar and tell us what you think. The file browser's look and feel now aligns more closely with the rest of Amarok with improvements such as breadcrumb navigation, and it is now focused on being a way to find and play music instead of being a multi-purpose file manager.

The context menu of tracks in your playlist now offers a "show in media sources" option, making it easier to find the same track again in the collection browser for editing, moving or deleting the file.

EclipseCon 2010 Registration

The EclipseCon Unconference

 Steve Harris is senior vice president of application server development at Oracle. He joined Oracle to manage development of the Java virtual machine for the Oracle8i release. Since then, his role has expanded to include the entire Java Platform, Enterprise Edition technologies in the Oracle Application Server, WebLogic Server, and GlassFish Server product lines, including EJBs, Servlets, JSPs, JDBC drivers, SQLJ, TopLink, and Web services support in both the application server and database.

A Day In The Life Of A Programmer v1.0 (COMIC)

Top 5 Classic Games on the iPhone

Doom Classic.
Doom continues its dominance over every electronic device that has a display with the release of Doom Classic.
The Sega CD is one of those systems that never really got a fair shake, and Vay is proof of that. Released into the App Store during the initial launch window, Vay was overshadowed by new games like Enigmo and Trism, and while both are good in their own right, neither of them are a classic RPG from Working Designs on a system that most people never played. If random encounters and sprites make up what you think is a good game, 
Giana Sisters
What? You've never heard of the Giana Sisters? Well, perhaps you should bone up on your Nintendo history. The original game was developed for PCs back in 1987 before Nintendo slapped an injunction on the company releasing it saying that it was too much of a rip-off of Super Mario Bros
Final Fantasy
The game that saved Square and started the Final Fantasy series can now be worshipped in the App Store. The first, and arguably the best, in the FF series takes you back to where it all began, and puts you in the role of the Light Warriors as they set out to save the world
If you're one of those people that have room for a little more confusion in your life, or if you just like to get your brain juices flowing, then it's time that you finally get around to playing the classic adventure game Myst. Originally released in 1993

SAP XI Certification Questions – Series 3 (151-190)-Part 2

26. The Quality of Service used for synchronous messages
a) Best Effort
b) Exactly Once
c) Exactly Once In Order
d) All the Above
27. The IDOC metadata is cached at the Integration Server to
a) Improve performance
b) Map data
c) Receive the Idoc
d) All the above
28. Which of the following is not a feature of Runtime Work Bench
a) Message Monitoring
b) Alert Inbox
c) Performance Monitoring
d) Message Archiving
29. The data for end-to-end monitoring is received from
a) PMI (Process Monitoring Infrastructure)
c) Message Monitoring
d) Runtime
30. Cache monitoring displays representations from
a) CPA cache
b) Value mapping table
c) SLD cache
d) All the above
31. The adapter framework supports
a) JCA
b) EDI
c) .NET Web services
32. Which of the following are based on guaranteed delivery protocols
a) EO
b) BE
d) sRFC
33. The configuration of an adapter is done in the
a) Integartion Repository
b) Change Management Service
c) Integration Directory
d) All the Above
34. The adapter metadata and mappings are stored in the
a) Integration Repository
b) Metadata Engine
c) Integration Directory
d) Runtime Workbench
35. Which of the following is not a technical adapter
a) File/FTP
b) DB
c) JMS
d) XI
36. The authorized for CPA cache refresh is
d) All the above
37. Which of the following configuration tool does not works in the online mode
a) J2EE Engine Administrator
b) Configuration Tool
c) Software Deployment Manager
d) Configuration Editor
38. The user management is done using
a) Tcode – SU01
b) Visual Administrator
c) User Management Engine
d) All the Above
39. The RFC communications can be secured using
a) SNC
b) HTTP(S)
40. The B2B standards supported by SAP XI are

SAP XI Certification Questions – Series 3 (151-190)-Part 1

1. Which of the following belong the Process Integration stack of SAP Netweaver
a) Integration broker
b) Business Process Management
c) Multi channel Access
d) Collaboration
2. Loosely coupled applications communicate by
a) FTP
c) RFC
d) XML Messaging

3. The components of the integration builder
a) Integration Repository
b) Exchange profile
c) Integration Directory
d) Deployment manager
4. The standard to which SLD adheres
a) CIM
5. Adapter framework is based on
a) RMI
b) JCA
d) JSP
6. Runtime Workbench offers central monitoring view of
a) Components
b) Processes
c) Messages
d) All the above
7. Integration processes are built using the standard
b) DML
d) All the above
8. Software product belongs to which dimension of SLD
a) Technical
b) Solution
c) Transport
d) All the above
9. The association between the WebAS ABAP technical system and its business system is based on
a) Host name
b) System ID
c) Installed Clients
d) Installed Products
10. The information from the software catalog is used in the repository to
a) Organize the contents
b) Create Interfaces
c) Meta data update
d) Update catalog
11. Development objects in the Integration repository are organized by
a) Package
b) Modules
c) Namespace
d) Container
12. The direction of an abstract interface
a) Inbound
b) Outbound
c) Abstract
d) All the above
13. ABAP proxies are created in transaction
d) None
14. Which of the following mappings can be edited in the Integration Repository
a) Java
b) Message Mapping
15. The Collaboration Profile objects are
a) Party
b) Service
c) Communication channel
d) None
16. Collaboration Agreement is used for
a) Channel binding
b) Routing
c) Conversion
d) Protocol check
17. A business process can send or receive message using
a) Abstract Interfaces
b) Inbound Interfaces
c) Outbound Interfaces
d) All the above
18. Which of the following is a tool in the Integration Directory
a) Configuration Assistant
b) Schema Builder
c) Proxy Generator
d) None
19. Value mapping tables are maintained in
a) Integration Repository
b) System Landscape Directory
c) Integration Directory
d) Runtime Workbench
20. The icon icon1 represents
a) Partner
b) Receiver Determination
c) Business System
d) Receiver Agreement
21. XI content represents
a) Design content
b) Configuration content
c) Adapter Meta data
d) All the above
22. The XI uses an SAP-specific implementation of
23. Technically an XI message is sent as a
a) Multipart-MIME document
b) Text message
c) RFC message
d) Binary file
24. Which of the following is not a pipeline step (all)
a) Receiver Identification
b) Call Adapter
c) Message Branch
d) Interface determination
25. The SAP Web Application Server version 6.20 or above has a built-in
a) Integration Engine
b) Messaging System
c) Adapter Engine
d) Mapping Runtime

Microsoft Certification, MCAS, MCSA, MCSE, MCITP, MCTS

Microsoft Certifications are available for most Microsoft technologies and skill levels from business workers to IT professionals, developers, technology trainers, and system architects. Achieving a Microsoft Certification helps provide you with up-to-date, relevant skills that can help lead to a more fulfilling career, while giving you access to valuable Microsoft Certification program benefits. These benefits include access to the Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) or the Microsoft Business Certification (MBC) member site and a vast, global network of other certified professionals.

About Microsoft Certification exams

Microsoft is a leading provider of advanced technology solutions to organizations worldwide. It is one of the companies in the forefront offering certification programs. Microsoft has introduced a wide range of certification exam for entry level to experienced professionals and for domains ranging from networking, system administration, database management to programming, web development and other advanced technologies. The Microsoft certification exam ensure whether or not information technology professionals have the necessary skills to successfully implement business solutions using Microsoft Technology.

SAP Training materials, SAP Certifiction materials, SAP Training

Few credentials in the business world carry the value of SAP certification. Those who hold it have honed their skills through rigorous study or direct experience. They have demonstrated their abilities by passing demanding, process-oriented exams. Regardless of whether you are an SAP partner, customer, or user, SAP certification can give you a distinct competitive advantage.
AC010 SAP Financials Overview to Financial Accounting and Reporting
AC020 SAP Financials Investment Management
AC030 SAP Financials Treasury Overview
AC040 SAP Financials Cost Management and Controlling
AC050 SAP Financials and Management Accounting with the New General Ledger
AC200 SAP Financials Financial Accounting Customizing I
AC201 SAP Financials Payment and Dunning Program
AC202 SAP Financials Financial Accounting Customizing II
AC205 SAP Financials Financial Closing
AC206 SAP Financials Parallel Valuation and Financial Reporting: Local Law – IAS (IFRS) / US- GAAP
AC210 SAP New General Ledger
AC212 SAP Financials Migration to the New General Ledger
AC220 SAP Financials Special Purpose Ledger
AC240 SAP Financials EC-CS: Consilidation Functions
AC260 SAP Financials Special Financial Functionality

SAP Certification Course

All the courses are based on real-world business scenarios and the latest learning methodologies and technological standards. E-learning courses include highly effective instructional elements and simulations based on authentic situations. SAP certified E-learning course is a highly flexible and cost-effective way to attain SAP Certification. 

The modules being offered are: 

  • FICO

  • HR

  • SD

  • MM

  • ABAP

  • PP

  • EP

  • XI

  • TERP 10

  • IBM Mainframes Certification

    To achieve challenging position in Software field, where my analytical and problem solving skills can put in for the successful completion of the project and the growth of the organization, which is in turn my growth and development.
    Personal traits: Dedicated, Consistent positive notions, ability to work in groups, analytical and innovative skills. Good communication skill, Reasoning ability and smart working.

    Software Exposure
    IBM Mainframes : JCL, VSAM, COBOL, DB2, CICS, IMS
    Languages : C, C++, HTML
    Operating System : MS-DOS, Windows 9x, 2000, XP, UNIX
    Package : MS –Office XP

    IBM Mainframes Certification from Hinduja TMT Ltd, Bangalore.

    Project Profile:
    ATM Transaction Management System
    Module handled : Account information provider
    Software : IBM Mainframes
    Operating System : MVS, Z/OS - 390
    Host Language : COBOL
    Compiler : JCL
    RDBMS/Backend : DB2
    Description: This module will access the master database and generate the respective account information for those accounts with correctly entered passwords. It will generate various screens relevant to each transaction .Screens involved in this module designed using CICS and COBOL is used as host language. The database consists accounting information of customer like name, address, account number, password, amount deposited, retrieved. Once the password entered matches, this module will display account information.If, not the necessary instructions containing screen to proceed will comes into picture.

    Mainframe DB2 SQL - DB2 PROGRAMMING - DB2 Certification Guidelines

    Question:I am preparing for IBM DB2 Certification.
    Can anyone give the references, suggest the books for the test.

    LEVEL 1 
    700 DB2 Family Fundamentals Database Associate 
    LEVEL 2 
         701 DB2 UDB V8.1for Linux, UNIX and Windows Database Administration
       702 DB2 UDB V8.1 for z/OS Database Administration 
       703 DB2 UDB V8.1 Family Application Development
       705 DB2 Business Intelligence Solutions V8.1 
       706 DB2 UDB V8.1 for Linux, UNIX and Windows Database Administration Upgrade exam
       442 DB2 Content Manager V8  
     LEVEL 3

    704 DB2 UDB V8.1 for Linux, UNIX and Windows Advanced Database Administration 

    Take the exam in LEVEL1, then take the any exam in LEVEL 2 depending on your area of interest and then LEVEL2

    After passing the “DB2 Family Fundamentals” entry test #700,
    take whichever exam(s) you like. Each one you pass gives you another certification.

    Other Tests.. These tests are for version 7.1
    512 - DB2 UDB V7.1 Family Fundamentals
    514 - DB2 UDB V7.1 Family Application Development
    516 - DB2 UDB V7.1 for OS/390 Database Administration

    Why stop run is not used when we use CICS in the COBOL program?

    When we submit job in CICS that will be submitted to CICS Server When we use exec return
    statement then that job is submitted to MVS but when we write stop run it will be directly submitted to
    MVS but the MVS does not understand COBOL so it gives errors.
    Use 'return' statement to terminate your program

    How Do you run/execute the Program/Job in a specific time/date in CICS?

    I don't think that ASKTIME command is going to work here as this only gives you the current date and time. If you want to start the task at a particular time you can use


    This will start the CICS task at the time specified. But I have no idea about giving the dates

    What is GETMAIN and FREEMAIN? What are the restrictions while using GETMAIN and FREEMAIN?

    The concept of CICS GETMAIN is simply to provide the programmer the capacity of obtaining additional storage to augment storage acquired automatically by his program (e.g. WORKING-STORAGE in a COBOL program). The programmer may define certain fields (01 Levels) in the LINKAGE SECTION that may require the use of a GETMAIN to obtain the storage. These fields are usually output fields that are not passed to the program by another program (caller).

    In the case of input fields the use of the SET can be used to point to the acquired area or a calling program can pass the address to the called program. The acquired area from a GETMAIN can be above or below the line. In addition storage acquired by a normal GETMAIN can be explicitly released by a FREEMAIN or automatically released when the task ends by CICS. However a program can acquire SHARED storage that comes out of the SDSA/ESDSA that requires an explict FREEMAIN as this type of storage is not automatically released at task end. The use of shared storage requires more control as incorrect use can quickly deplete the (E) DSA storage available.

    How do I find the name of the CICS region inside my COBOL program?

    test WS-CICS-RESPONES code here for '00'




    What is Mainframe Testing?

    Similar to client-service applications testing but you have to know how to operate basic TSO and ISPF commands and menus view mainframe files look at and use SDSF or other output tool log on CICS and transactions use FTP or another transfer protocol submit the batch job - it's for QA testing of mainframe applications.
    And plus QA testing for another platform like WEB and/or client-service since the mainframe is usually back-end.
    It can be learned pretty quickly but it needs an access to mainframe.

    What is the batch job and online job?

    What is the batch job and online job?
    A batch job is a stand alone job (no human interaction) that is kicked off by a utility job(usaually at night)  and runs data in bulk streams, such as updating 1 million rows to a database nightly, online job is real time, such as a user updating their address via  an interface screen and it being applied to the database as soon as they have confirmed it.
    Answer 2:
    In batch input and output is file where as in online input and output is user interactive.
    In batch start of job is done by JCL where as in online it is done by transaction.
    Execution time is longer in batch where as less in case of online.

    Differences between SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server Express

    VS 2005 Professional comes with SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition, I'm wondering if I install the Developer Edition, does that mean I don't need to install the Express Edition?

    What is the difference between SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition?

    Developer edition is basiclly Enterprise which can be installed on XP Pro SP2 (has a few limits like memory and CPU.  and of course limited on the license to development / test environments).

    Express is a cut down version of SQL Server. Like MSDB was for 2000.

    If you install Developer you don't need Express,  on my machine at work I have 2000, Express and 2005 but thats because VS 2005 installed express for me.  Should really turn off the service, but i keep forgetting.

    Even tho Developer edition isn't listed on the site, keep in mine it is closer to Enterprise than any of the others.

    Answer 2:
    I work with a firm that has a product that runs on Access FE (forms/reports) and SQL 2000/2005 BE (sp's, views, tables), and am still in the learning process on the SQL side.  I don't dare ask if they will let me install their license on my machine, but considering to ask if I can install their Developer 2005 version.  They are a "Microsoft Partner". 

    I think Express is out of the question, as it doesn't contain the bells and whistles that are in Standard+ editions.  As I understand it, the Developer's version is just like Enterprise with the limitation of only 1 CAL.  Does that mean only 1 concurrent user or only 1 user -- can it have multiple user IDs in the user list, and allows only 1 user to be connected to the server at a time?  The BE databases I wish to learn from and troubleshoot-while-learning will have 1 to many users defined.  Perhaps 1-CPU is another limitation? Which is no biggy, as I am not looking for "production server" speed.

    In short, I'm looking for the edition that will be as close of match to the Enterprise Edition, but for use by me alone.  Still having the ability to generate objects as in Enterprise, and execute same on the Enterprise edition. 

    If the Developer Edition meets my requirements, the price is so good I'll buy it myself if my firm won't let me install it - they should, as I would only be using it for their product.

    Difference Between OLE Controls and ActiveX Controls

    Difference Between OLE Controls and ActiveX Controls
    ActiveX is a technology developed by Microsoft. With an ActiveX-enabled browser (ie Internet Explorer only) ActiveX controls can be downloaded as part of a Web document to add functionality to the browser (similar to Java applets). In particular ActiveX enables seamless viewing of Windows files of all types, eg spreadsheets, and in combination with other technologies such as Java and scripting languages, makes possible the development of complex Web applications. ...

    OLE: Object Linking and Embedding. Microsoft technology that enables the creation of documents by incorporating elements created using different kinds of software.

    Top 10 interview questions for visual basic

    • Which controls can not be placed in MDI ?
    • List out controls which does not have events
    • Which property of textbox cannot be changed at runtime. What is the max size of textbox?
    • How many system controls are available
    • ___,_____ and ____ container objects.
    • ___ Property is to compress a image in image control.
    • ___,___ and __ are difference between image and picture controls.
    • To.set the command button for ESC ___ Property has to be changed.
    • Is it possible to set a shortcut key for label.
    • What is the default property of datacontrol.
    • ___,__,___ are the type of combo box?
    • __ no of controls in form.
    • OLE is used for _______
    • What is the need of tabindex property is label control.
    • ___ is the control used to call a windows application.
    • Clear property is available in ____,___ control.
    • ___ Property is used to count no. of items in a combobox.
    • ___ is a property to resize a label control according to your caption.
    • Which controls have refresh method.
    • ___ property is used to change to ___ value to access a identity column'in datacontrols.
    • _____ is the property to ___,____,____ are valid for recordsource property of dat control.
    • To find the current recordposition in data control.
    • Timer control contains ________ no. of events.
    • ____ property is used to lock a textbox to enter a datas.
    • What is the need of zorder method?
    • ____ is the difference between Listindex and Tab index.
    • ____ property of menu cannot be set at run time.
    • Can you create a tabletype of recordset in Jet - connected ODBC dbengine.
    • Difference between listbox and combo box.
    • What are the new events in textbox that has been included in VB6.0
    • Can you create a updatecascade, Deletecascade relation in Ms- Access? If no, give on eample.
    • _____ collection in recordset used to assign a value from textbox to table columns without making abinding in datacontrol.
    • ___ argument can be used to make a menuitem into bold.
    • What is the difference between Msgbox Statement and MsgboxQ function?
    • What is.the difference between queryunload and unload in form?
    • ___,___ arguments will be used to run a executable program in shell function
    • ___ property used to add a menus at runtime.
    • What is the difference between modal and moduless window?
    • ___ VB constant make the menu item in centre.
    • ___ method used to move a recordset pointer in nth position in DAG.
    • To validate a range of values for a property whenever the property values changes,which type of property procedure you use?
    • What are 3 main differences between flexgrid control and dbgrid control?
    • What is the difference between change event in normal combobox and dbcombobox?
    • To populate a single column value which dbcontrols you to use?
    • What is ODBC?
    • PartsofODBC?
    • WhatisDSN?
    • WhatisDAO?
    • Types of cursors in DAO?
    • Types of LockEdits in DAO? 51 .Types of Recordsets.
    • Difference between Tabletype and Snapshot?
    • Draw Sequence Modal of DAO? Explain.
    • Difference between Dynaset and Snapshot?
    • Difference between Recordset and Querydef?
    • What is the use of Tabledef?
    • Default cursor Type and LockEdit type in DAO?
    • What is the default workspace?
    • Is it posible to Create Tables Through Querydef?
    • It is possible to access Text (x.txt) files? Explain.
    • What is ODBC Direct and Microsoft Jet Database Engine ?
    • Is it possible to Manipulate data through  flexgrid? Explain.
    • Types of DBCombo boxes
    • What do you mean by Databound Controls? Explain.
    • What is RDO?
    • Types of cursors in RDO.
    • Types of LockEdits in RDO.
    • Types of LockEdits in RDO.
    • Types of Resultsets.
    • Difference between Recordset and Resultsets.
    • Explain Default cursor Type and LockEdits type in RDO
    • Draw Sequence Modal of RDO? Explain.
    • What is meant by Establish Connection in RDO? 74.1s it possible to Access BackEnd procedures? Explain.
    • What is OLE? Explain.
    • What is DDE?
    • Difference between Linked Object and Embedded Object?
    • Explain OLE Drag and Drop.
    • Difference between DDE and OLE.
    • What is the difference between Object and Class?
    • Give brief description about class?
    • Does VB Supports OOPS Concepts? Explain..
    • Difference between Class Module and Standard Module?
    • Explain Get, Let, Set Properties.
    • Difference Types of Procedures in VB?
    • What is the use of NEW Keyword? Explain.
    • What is constructors and distructors.
    • Types of Modal windows in VB.
    • What is ActiveX? Explain.
    • Types of ActiveX Components in VB?
    • Difference between ActiveX Control and Standard Control.
    • Difference between ActiveX Exe and Dll.
    • What is instantiating?
    • Advantage of ActiveX Dll over Active Exe.
    • Difference Types of Instancing Property in ActiveX Dll and Exe.
    • What is ActiveX Dll and ActiveX Exe?
    • Write the steps in Creating ActiveX Dll and Active Exe?
    • Explain the differences between ActiveX Dll and ActiveX Exe?
    • How would you use ActiveX Dll and ActiveX Exe in your application?
    • How would you access objects created in ActiveX Exe and ActiveX D1T
    • What is the use of ActiveX Documents?
    • What is ActiveX Document?
    • What is the use of Visual Basic Document file?
    • What is hyperlink?
    • How would you create Visual basic Document file?
    • What is Internet Explorer and its uses?
    • How would you navigate between one document to another document
    • in Internet Explorer ?
    • How would you run your ActiveX Document Dll?
    • How would you view html code in Active Server Pages?
    • How would you cre.ate your application in DHTML?
    • What is ActiveX Control?
    • Write the Steps in Creating an ActiveX Control?
    • How would you attach an ActiveX control in Your Application?
    • How would you create properties in ActiveX Control?
    • What is the-use of property page Wizard in ActiveX Control?
    • How would you add elements in TreevieW Control.
    • What are the types of line styles available in Treeview Control?
    • What is the use of Imagelist Controls
    • How would you attach pictures in Treeview Control?
    • What are the uses of List View Control?
    • Explain the types of Views in Listview Control.
    • How would you attach pictures in column headers of List View Control?
    • How would you add column headers in listview control?
    • How would you add elements and pictures to listitems in listview control?
    • How would you activate animation control?
    • What is the use of progress Bar Control?
    • How would you find out the value property in Slider Bar Control?
    • What is the use of Data Form Wizard?
    • How would you map properties to controls by using ActiveX Control Interface Wizard?
    • How would you convert a form into document?
    • How would you Create a Query Builder and Explain its uses
    • How would you create properties by using class Builder Wizard?
    • HTML stands for What? Use of HTML ?
    • Whether HTML supports multimedia: and document links?
    • DHTML Is used for what?
    • What do you mean by HTTP?
    • What is the use of Hyperlink control for DHTML applications?
    • How can you Navigate from the DHTML application to another DHTML application? .
    • What are the Internet tools available in VB6.0?
    • Explain the usage of Web Browser Control?
    • What do you mean by ADO?
    • What is the difference Between ADO and other data access objects0
    • WhatisOLEDB?
    • What are the important components of OLEDB?
    • Through which protocol OLEDB components are interfaced?
    • It possible to call OLEDB's Features directly in VB without using any control?
    • What type of databases you can access through AD I Data Access Object?
    • How many objects resides in ADO ?
    • What is the use of Connection object?
    • What is the use of command Object?
    • Recordset object consists what?
    • What is the use of parameters collection?
    • Which type of object requires this object?
    • Is it possible to call backend procedures with ADO control?
    • Is there any Edit method in ADO Data Access method?
    • How can you check whether a record is valid record or Invalid record using ADO control or Object?
    • What do you mean by provider?
    • What type of recordsets are available in ADO?
    • Is it possible to call oracle database through ADO control or Object?
    • How many File System Controls are there ? Explain.
    • How can you filter out specific type of file using file system controls?
    • How can you get selected file from file system Control?
    • How many ways we can access file using VB?
    • Which method is preferred to save datas like database?
    • How to get freefile location in memory?
    • How to find size of the file. Which method or function is used to occomplish this?
    • Using which type we can access file line by line?
    • Which method is used to write context Into file?
    • How can you read content from file?
    • Binary Access-method isused to access file in which manner?
    • How can you check Beginning and End of the file?
    • What is the use of Scalewidth and ScaleHeight Proeperty?
    • What is the use of Active Control Property?
    • How can you save and Get data from Clipboard/
    • What are the types of Error?
    • In which areas the Error occurs?
    • What are the tools available for Debuggiu in VB?
    • What is the use of Immediate, Local Window?
    • What is the use of debug Window?
    • How can you Implement windows functionality in VB?
    • How many types of API functions are availble in VB?
    • How can you Add API functions to your Application?
    • How to get Cursor position using API?
    • Is it possible to change menu runtime using API? If yes? Specify the function names.
    • What are the types of API Types.
    • Scope of API's can be of types, what are they? Why API functions are Required?

    Differences Between Visual Basic .NET and Visual C# .NET

    Although there are differences between Visual Basic .NET and Visual C# .NET, both are first-class programming languages that are based on the Microsoft .NET Framework, and they are equally powerful. Visual Basic .NET is a true object-oriented programming language that includes new and improved features such as inheritance, polymorphism, interfaces, and overloading. Both Visual Basic .NET and Visual C# .NET use the common language runtime. There are almost no performance issues between Visual Basic .NET and Visual C# .NET. Visual C# .NET may have a few more "power" features such as handling unmanaged code, and Visual Basic .NET may be skewed a little toward ease of use by providing features such as late binding. However, the differences between Visual Basic .NET and Visual C# .NET are very small compared to what they were in earlier versions.
    The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Download Center:

    Download the "Differences between Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual C# .NET" white paper package now

    7 Powerful jQuery Plugins

    jQuery can empower a developer with the tools required to create a rich user experience. The way in which we display images, text, charts and graphs can enhance functionality for the wide range of users. Let’s take a look at 35 powerful and effective jQuery plugins and techniques for slideshows, graphs and text effects.
    GalleryView jQuery Plugin
    GalleryView-jquery in 35 Useful jQuery Plugins for Slideshows, 
Graphs and Text Effects 
    Jquery Plugin MopSlider 2.4
    125-jquery in 35 Useful jQuery Plugins for Slideshows, Graphs and 
Text Effects 

    jQuery Image Scroller 
    JQueryImageScroller-jquery in 35 Useful jQuery Plugins for 
Slideshows, Graphs and Text Effects
    Resizable Image Grid with jQuery
    Resizable Imagegrid-jquery in 35 Useful jQuery Plugins for 
Slideshows, Graphs and Text Effects