IBM 000-001 certification

Test information:
Number of questions: 43 Time allowed in minutes: 60 Required passing score: 65% Test languages: English
Sample / Assessment test:

HP Certification I HP0-766 Exam

HP0-766 real Test Information
Number of test items: 76
Item type: multiple choice
Time commitment: 105 minutes
Passing Score: 63%
HP0-766 Exam Content
The following outline represents the specific areas of content covered in the exam. Use this outline to guide your study and to check your readiness for the exam. The exam measures your understanding of these areas. The approximate percentage of exam questions dedicated to each major content area is included in parenthesis. Typically, the higher the percentage, the more questions will be on the exam.
NonStop Security
Security best practices for NonStop servers 13%
NonStop server security concepts 20%
Auditing configuration and monitoring for NonStop servers 12%
NonStop access control principles 12%
NonStop authorization principles 21%
NonStop authentication principles 14%
Confidentiality and integrity concepts 8%

Cisco Certification 642-062 test

Certification Provider: Cisco
Exam Name: 642-062 - Routing and Switching Solutions for System Engineers (RSSSE)
Associated Certifications: Cisco

Visit the Cisco Website for more details on the Examination

Convert PowerPoint to Flash with screen recorder

1. Save your PPT file as PPS file.
2. Set Camtasia studio to record the whole screen.
3. Play your PowerPoint PPS file and Press F9 to start recording the screen.
4. When you reach your last blank slide, Press F10 to tell Camtasia Recorder to stop recording. You will be prompted to save the captured slideshow, so choose a directory and enter a filename.
5. Save your capture in SWF format.

Convert PowerPoint to Flash manually with Adobe Flash

1. Saving PowerPoint slide into WMF.
Office button -> Save As -> Other Formats, choose Windows Metafile (*.WMF) at Save as type drop-down list, and click Save. Then click Every Slide button in the pop-up dialog.
2. Importing the WMF files into Flash.
3. Exporting the FLA file to a SWF file.

Convert PowerPoint To Flash

1. Launch Impress.
2. File -> Open, open the PowerPoint presentation that you wish to convert to flash.
3. Click File -> Export.
4. Choose Macromedia Flash (SWF) (.swf) in the Filter box. Click OK.

What is the difference between an Interface and an Abstract class?

An Abstract Class can contain default Implementation, where as an Interface should not contain any implementation at all. An Interface should contain only definitions but no implementation. where as an abstract class can contain abstract and non-abstract methods. When a class inherits from an abstract, the derived class must implement all the abstract methods declared in the base class. an abstract class can inherit from another non-abstract class.

Comparision Table

Abstract classes
Abstract classes are used only when there is a “is-a” type of relationship between the classes.
Interfaces can be implemented by classes that are not related to one another.
You cannot extend more than one abstract class.
You can implement more than one interface.
Abstract class can implemented some methods also.
Interfaces can not implement methods.
With abstract classes, you are grabbing away each class’s individuality.
With Interfaces, you are merely extending each class’s functionality.

Objects and Classes in Java

To understand objects, you must understand classes. To understand classes, you need to understand objects. It's a circular process of learning. But you've got to begin somewhere. So, let's begin with two classes-- Point and Rectangle-- that are small and easy to understand. This section provides a brief discussion of these classes and introduces some important concepts and terminology.
The Life Cycle of an Object
Here, you will learn how to create a Rectangle object from the Rectangle class, use it, and eventually get rid of it.
Creating Classes
This section provides a complete description of a larger class, Stack, and describes all of the components of a class that provide for the life cycle of an object created from it. It talks first about constructors, then about member variables and methods, and finally about the finalize method.
Reality Break! The Spot Applet
This is the last section of this lesson, and it contains the code for a fun little applet. Through that applet, you will learn how to subclass another class, how to implement an interface, and how to use an inner class to implement an adapter.

Core packages in Java SE 6

java.lang — basic language functionality and fundamental types
java.util — collection data structure classes — file operations
java.math — multiprecision arithmetics
java.nio — the New I/O framework for Java — networking operations, sockets, DNS lookups, ... — key generation, encryption and decryption
java.sql — Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) to access databases
java.awt — basic hierarchy of packages for native GUI components
javax.swing — hierarchy of packages for platform-independent rich GUI components
java.applet — classes for creating and implementing applets

Java Packages,Java Package's Interview Questions ,core java IT technical interview questions

Java interfaces and classes are grouped into packages. The following are the java packages, from which you can access interfaces and classes, and then fields, constructors, and methods.

Package that contains essential Java classes, including numerics, strings, objects, compiler, runtime, security, and threads. This is the only package that is automatically imported into every Java program.
Package that provides classes to manage input and output streams to read data from and write data to files, strings, and other sources.
Package that contains miscellaneous utility classes, including generic data structures, bit sets, time, date, string manipulation, random number generation, system properties, notification, and enumeration of data structures.
Package that provides classes for network support, including URLs, TCP sockets, UDP sockets, IP addresses, and a binary-to-text converter.
Package that provides an integrated set of classes to manage user interface components such as windows, dialog boxes, buttons, checkboxes, lists, menus, scrollbars, and text fields. (AWT = Abstract Window Toolkit)
Package that provides classes for managing image data, including color models, cropping, color filtering, setting pixel values, and grabbing snapshots.
Package that connects AWT components to their platform-specific implementations (such as Motif widgets or Microsoft Windows controls).
Package that enables the creation of applets through the Applet class. It also provides several interfaces that connect an applet to its document and to resources for playing audio.

What are Wrapper Classes in Java? Describe the wrapper classes in Java

Wrapper classes are classes that allow primitive types to be accessed as objects. Wrapper class is wrapper around a primitive data type.

Following table lists the primitive types and the corresponding wrapper classes:

  Boolean   java.lang.Boolean
  Byte   java.lang.Byte
  Char   java.lang.Character
  double   java.lang.Double
  Float   java.lang.Float
  Int   java.lang.Integer
  Long   java.lang.Long
  Short   java.lang.Short
  Void   java.lang.Void

compiling and getting of a java program,Java Programs,Java Compilation

 have written some java programs in java but iam unable to compile and get the output of please help me

 To compile your java code you need to use java compiler javac.exe

This will generate source.class file in same path of the file . ( .class is a byte format file ) .

To run your code :
java example1

Best Example of Java Interface,Java Interface Tutorial,Core Java

To those who are having a hard time understanding the concept of an interface, I'll try my best to explain, but remember that I too am still a learner of Java (though I'm reasonably familiar with several other object-oriented languages). Let's say you're defining several different animals as their own classes. There are certain things that you are going to expect all of these classes to do: you are going to expect them to have a method of eating, of pooping, of drinking, of walking, and so on. These are all methods that you would define in the class definitions of each animal. 

You would therefore create an interface, called Animal: 

interface Animal { 
void eat(String food); 
void makeBowelMovement(int number); 
void drink(String liquid); 
void walk(int distance); } 
Notice that none of these methods are defined here. We are just defining the interface to an animal (the programming interface to an object of a class that implements the Animal interface). Now let's write an example class that implements this interface; say, Dog: 
class Dog implements Animal { 
void eat(String food) { System.out.println("I am now eating " + food); } 
void makeBowelMovement(int number) { 
if (number == 1) { System.out.println("I am now seeing."); } 
else if (number == 2) { System.out.println("I am now tired."); } 

void drink(String liquid) { System.out.println("I am now drinking " + liquid); } 
void walk(int distance) { System.out.println("I walked " + distance + " spots."); } 

Does it make more sense now? The explanation given in the tutorial is a little off, in my opinion; an interface in Java is not really about presenting a way of interacting with an object -- that's the job of the methods of the class itself. The point of a class implementing an interface is to make it known to yourself and other programmers that this class is going to act in a predictable way. All other classes that "implement Animal", in the example above, would have to offer the same methods. That way, you don't have to know how exactly each animal goes about, say, pooping. You only need to know that the Animal interface requires an implementing class to offer a void makeBowelMovement(int number) method.

Difference between Vector and ArrayList? What is the Vector class?

Vector is synchronized whereas ArrayList is not. The Vector class provides the capability to implement a growable array of objects. ArrayList and Vector class both implement the List interface. Both classes are implemented using dynamically resizable arrays, providing fast random access and fast traversal. In vector the data is retrieved using the elementAt() method while in ArrayList, it is done using the get() method. ArrayList has no default size while vector has a default size of 10. when you want programs to run in multithreading environment then use concept of vector because it is synchronized. But ArrayList is not synchronized so, avoid use of it in a multithreading environment.

Java Interface where to Use,Core Java Tutorials

You use an interface to define a protocol of behavior that can be implemented by any class anywhere in the class hierarchy. Interfaces are useful for the following:
Capturing similarities between unrelated classes without artificially forcing a class relationship
Declaring methods that one or more classes are expected to implement
Revealing an object's programming interface without revealing its class. (Objects such as these are called anonymous objects and can be useful when shipping a package of classes to other developers.)

Does Interfaces Provide for Multiple Inheritance?

Often interfaces are touted as an alternative to multiple class inheritance. While interfaces may solve similar problems, interface and multiple class inheritance are quite different animals, in particular:
A class inherits only constants from an interface.
A class cannot inherit method implementations from an interface.
The interface hierarchy is independent of the class hierarchy. Classes that implement the same interface may or may not be related through the class hierarchy. This is not true for multiple inheritance.
Yet, Java does allow multiple interface inheritance. That is, an interface can have multiple superinterfaces.

Best Java Interface Example ,Core Java Tutorial,Java Interview Questions

Java interface example :
In this class i implement Java shape interface in the circle class .as you will see in the following example ,up-casting for the object "circleshape" .

Note :
Interface classes , functions are public and abstract ,and fields are public and final

public class Main {    
    public static void main(String[] args) {
          shape circleshape=new circle();

interface shape
     public   String baseclass="shape";
     public void Draw();    
class circle implements shape
    public void Draw() {
        System.out.println("Drawing Circle here");

Java Interface Examples,Java Interface Definition

What Is an Interface?
In English, an interface is a device or system that unrelated entities use to interact. According to this definition, a remote control is an interface between you and a television set, the English language is an interface between two people, and the protocol of behavior enforced in the military is the interface between people of different ranks. Similarly, a Java interface is a device that unrelated objects use to interact with one another. Java interfaces are probably most analogous to protocols (an agreed-upon behavior). In fact, other object-oriented languages have the functionality of Java's interfaces, but they call their interfaces protocols.
A Java interface defines a set of methods but does not implement them. A class that implements the interface agrees to implement all of the methods defined in the interface, thereby agreeing to certain behavior.
Definition: An interface is a named collection of method definitions (without implementations). An interface can also include constant declarations