Unable to load JNI shared library Error in spring tool suite Installation

Friends, many of you would have faced this issue when opening the spring IDE. Below is the error message.

Error : Failed to load JNI shared library C:\Program Files(x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_40\bin\client\jvm.dll

How to resolve this issue ? :

First thing to do in this situation is to check the versions of OS, JDK & STS.

  • 32-bit OS - 32-bit JDK - 32-bit STS (32-bit only)
  • 64-bit OS - 32-bit JDK - 32-bit STS
  • 64-bit OS - 64-bit JDK - 64bit STS (64-bit only)

Second thing to do is to check the make sure that the JRE/JDK path is pointed correctly in the config uration file. It should look like below.

C:\<path to 64 bit program files>\Java\<jdk version>\bin\javaw.exe
After making sure the above two checks the error will be resolved.