Oracle/PLSQL: Data Types-Character Datatypes

Character Datatypes

Data Type
Oracle 9i Oracle 10g Oracle 11g Explanation
(if applicable)
char(size) Maximum size of 2000 bytes. Maximum size of 2000 bytes. Maximum size of 2000 bytes. Where size is the number of characters to store. Fixed-length strings. Space padded.
nchar(size) Maximum size of 2000 bytes. Maximum size of 2000 bytes. Maximum size of 2000 bytes. Where size is the number of characters to store. Fixed-length NLS string Space padded.
nvarchar2(size) Maximum size of 4000 bytes. Maximum size of 4000 bytes. Maximum size of 4000 bytes. Where size is the number of characters to store. Variable-length NLS string.
varchar2(size) Maximum size of 4000 bytes. Maximum size of 4000 bytes. Maximum size of 4000 bytes. Where size is the number of characters to store. Variable-length string.
long Maximum size of 2GB. Maximum size of 2GB. Maximum size of 2GB. Variable-length strings. (backward compatible)
raw Maximum size of 2000 bytes. Maximum size of 2000 bytes. Maximum size of 2000 bytes. Variable-length binary strings
long raw Maximum size of 2GB. Maximum size of 2GB. Maximum size of 2GB. Variable-length binary strings. (backward compatible)

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